On Bended Knees – Online Healthcare for Knee Pain
Since my arrival in the US from Portugal, I have been feeling some nasty tingling sensation on my knees. Even without really doing anything on a bright and sunny Sunday afternoon, I would feel pain, though not much pain, from time to time. I never had a history of major knee problems or chronic joint issues, so I do not really worry about this. And I have always believed that I am invincible and unstoppable. I don’t think that there is a drastic reason for me to panic, to rush to the hospital, and get my knees checked by a specialist. This civil engineer retiree is one hell of a tough cookie. No amount of chronic tingling sensation can and will stop me from enjoying the next days, weeks, months, and years with my family.
NO PAIN, NO GAIN. I would love to believe that this is intrinsically part of my new journey with my wonderful wife, Laura, and our beautiful children and grandchildren. I am totally fine feeling the pain on my knees as long as I am with my entire family, traveling across the country, spending precious time with each other, and creating amazing memories. Though our exciting adventures would entail a lot of walking and strolling from me to fully experience and enjoy the sights and sounds of this beautiful country, I know that my possibly frail and probably fragile knees won’t let me down. And of course, I wouldn’t want to let my family down. No way that we will be canceling trips and changing plans! It took decades of waiting and arranging for all of these to happen.
And so I persisted. I insisted. Bring it on! Let the fun begin!
But wait! Hold on! Not so fast!
My knees hurt. They really hurt. Major pain.
Bring me to the hospital! Emergency! Rush me to the ER!
Panic button is ON.
But I am also thinking of other factors and variables. A lot of things are going on in my very creative and sometimes crazy mind. I can not be too complacent because this is not just about me but also my entire family. I am with them almost all of the time, non-stop physical contact in one room, watching the latest Korean dramas on Netflix with Laura, singing Barry Manilow’s all-time classics on the karaoke with my sons and daughters, and playing League of Legends with my grandchildren. I have to be smarter than this. I have always been a smart American and professional.
Is it safe now to visit a hospital? Is rushing to my doctor’s clinic my only option? Maybe.
Is the dreaded virus still lurking around? Is there a chance that it will attack again? Probably.
Is the pandemic really over? Is it really, really over? Supposedly.
I am a 70++ year-old retiree. And I am old and weary. Most of the time, I may feel strong and healthy. But in reality, my body is never the same. And so I have to take extra precautions. I have to be super careful. And I have to always think of my loved ones and their health conditions. But do I have a choice? I want our family adventures to continue while making sure that we are all feeling fresh and robust.
There is always a way. If there is a will, there is a way. Limitless.
There is always an alternative. Explore possibilities. Endless.
Options, options, options. We are now living in an uber-sophisticated and modern era. Boundless.
FACT. If we can watch Netflix and play League of Legends online, of course we can also see a doctor online. Let’s not be naïve. This problem can be SOLVED.
Actually, I never thought this would ever be possible, not in a million years. There is just something warm and special with a face-to-face visit to my doctor. I have always felt comfort and assurance whenever I go to his clinic and consult with him in person. I always know that I am in good hands. And I feel that all the pain that I am experiencing can finally be managed and treated because the DOCTOR IS IN.

But the DOCTOR IS IN as well even via online. A patient like me can virtually consult with an expert or a specialist and feel the care and concern on his diagnosis and treatment / pain management reminders. Telehealth actually works! It is the way to a healthier and safer community, country, and society.
According to Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health Publishing-
“Just about everyone experiences knee pain at some point in their lives. Most of the time, it follows an injury or strenuous exercise and resolves in a few days, but knee pain can last months or even years, depending on the cause. A new study suggests telehealth programs designed for people with knee osteoarthritis may help ease pain, improve ability to function, and possibly even lead to weight loss.”
I am bound to feel the pain on my knees. It is just a waiting game as to when we will start experiencing those nasty tingling sensations. A person with no prior medical condition may possibly suffer from knee pains in the future. A patient with no history of joint problems may be on bended knees years from now because of extreme or chronic pain. No one is infallible. I am not invincible after all.
Years of hard physical work in Europe has finally taken a toll on my body. Plus the fact that I am beyond 70 already. And I am not alone. I am just one of the many Americans who experience knee pains.
Harvard Health Publishing shares,
“Osteoarthritis, the age-related, “wear-and-tear” degeneration of the knee joint — is the number one cause of chronic knee pain, affecting nearly a quarter of people aged 40 or older. It’s responsible for most of the 600,000 knee replacements in the US each year, and more than $27 billion in annual healthcare spending.”
Now how do I end my pain? Can my knees be treated? Can pain at least be managed?
Harvard Health Publishing explicates,
For pain, people with knee Osteoarthritis may consider anti-inflammatory drugs that are rubbed on the skin such as diclofenac gel, anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen, pain relievers such as acetaminophen, and injections of corticosteroids. Opiates, arthroscopic surgery, and other injected treatments are not routinely recommended due to risks, lack of proven benefit, or both. Knee replacement surgery has a high success rate for knee Osteoarthritis but is generally considered a last resort because it’s a major surgery that requires significant recovery time.”
Is it ok then not to visit my doctor’s clinic? Is it safe to say that there is no need for me to rush to the hospital to get my knees checked?
Harvard Health Publishing shares,
“Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many people with knee Osteoarthritis regularly saw their healthcare providers to monitor their pain and ability to function, consider changes in treatment, check for treatment side effects, and determine if other problems are contributing to symptoms. It turns out, much of this can be done virtually. The pandemic made it a necessity. And a new study suggests it works.”
Time then to call my doctor! I will definitely schedule a virtual consultation ASAP! There’s no stopping our family escapades! Truly, virtual healthcare is a gift and blessing for all of us at this time of pandemic and pseudo post-pandemic.
According to Harvard Health Publishing,
“The pandemic is giving researchers an opportunity to seriously study the potential value and limitations of virtual care on a large scale. If these visits are as good as or better than in-person visits for certain conditions and the costs are no greater, that’s a big deal. A virtual visit can eliminate time spent in travel and the waiting room, and possible parking fees that can make a brief doctor’s visit an expensive undertaking that takes half the day. Virtual care also has the potential to reach patients who otherwise cannot get to their doctor’s office.”
Problem SOLVED. Case CLOSED. Adventures will CONTINUE.
My knee pains can and will be MANAGED with the help of my telehealth doctor.
But how about my back pain? My back hurts. It really, really hurts.
To understand more about treating, managing, or relieving your joint pains, call TelevisitMD now!